City and Colourk-osFive Alarm FunkSultans of StringEmily ReidReklawsCrash Test DummiesSaid the WhaleVirginia To VegasSheepdogsTyler Shaw54•40Chad BrownleeDwayne GretzkyElwinsRural Alberta Advantage
Peterborough MusicFest
Del Crary Park
Peterborough, ON
Doors open @ Jun 30, 2019, 12:00 AM
- City and Colour
- k-os
- Five Alarm Funk
- Sultans of String
- Emily Reid
- Reklaws
- Crash Test Dummies
- Said the Whale
- Virginia To Vegas
- Sheepdogs
- Tyler Shaw
- 54•40
- Chad Brownlee
- Dwayne Gretzky
- Elwins
- Rural Alberta Advantage
Free concerts every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the summer.
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