KaytranadaMetricMac DeMarcoNormaniSki Mask the Slump GodBlack MadonnaDJ KozeThe Glorious SonsSebastiAnLumineersBob MosesSt. Paul and The Broken BonesJPEGMAFIASharon Van EttenFrancis and the LightsDear RougeRyan BeattyWe Are MonroeTEKE::TEKEChemical BrothersCity and ColourRavyn LenaeFlumeKurt VileRosalíaMitskiDenzel CurryKodalineFontaines D.C.Janelle MonáeLogicRÜFÜS DU SOLBeach HouseYoung the GiantLouis the ChildKing PrincessA Boogie wit da HoodieLennon StellaFKJBlack Tiger Sex MachineGRiZBasSabaU.S. GirlsReignwolfbülowSalesMorMorAnemoneDr. FreschBraidsMUNYARadiant BabyChildish GambinoTame ImpalaHozierJ BalvinInterpolGucci ManeGunnaHayley KiyokoSigridTierra WhackFranklin ElectricAgoriaReal EstateKoffeeFouKiCRiNilüfer YanyaBAMBIIAlec BenjaminTwo FeetMonolink
Osheaga Festival Musique et Arts
Parc Jean-Drapeau
Ile Ste-Helene
Montreal, QC H3C 1A9
Doors open @ Aug 2, 2019, 4:00 PM
- Kaytranada
- Metric
- Mac DeMarco
- Normani
- Ski Mask the Slump God
- Black Madonna
- DJ Koze
- The Glorious Sons
- SebastiAn
- Lumineers
- Bob Moses
- St. Paul and The Broken Bones
- Sharon Van Etten
- Francis and the Lights
- Dear Rouge
- Ryan Beatty
- We Are Monroe
- Chemical Brothers
- City and Colour
- Ravyn Lenae
- Flume
- Kurt Vile
- Rosalía
- Mitski
- Denzel Curry
- Kodaline
- Fontaines D.C.
- Janelle Monáe
- Logic
- Beach House
- Young the Giant
- Louis the Child
- King Princess
- A Boogie wit da Hoodie
- Lennon Stella
- Black Tiger Sex Machine
- GRiZ
- Bas
- Saba
- U.S. Girls
- Reignwolf
- bülow
- Sales
- MorMor
- Anemone
- Dr. Fresch
- Braids
- Radiant Baby
- Childish Gambino
- Tame Impala
- Hozier
- J Balvin
- Interpol
- Gucci Mane
- Gunna
- Hayley Kiyoko
- Sigrid
- Tierra Whack
- Franklin Electric
- Agoria
- Real Estate
- Koffee
- FouKi
- CRi
- Nilüfer Yanya
- Alec Benjamin
- Two Feet
- Monolink
This massive event brings over 100 acts of all genres to Montreal for an unforgettable weekend.
To learn more about the festival, check out Exclaim!'s Osheaga festival profile.