It's been 30 years since Radiohead levelled up with The Bends, and to celebrate, the group have shared a full concert film from Toronto's Horseshoe Tavern dating back to March 1995.
The lo-fi VHS film is 24 minutes long and shows frontman Thom Yorke playing an acoustic solo set at the Toronto venue. It was recorded on March 28 — two weeks and a day after The Bends came out on March 13.
Yorke plays "(Nice Dream)," "High & Dry," "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" and "Fake Plastic Trees" from The Bends before closing with the Pablo Honey cut "Thinking About You."
Watch the full performance below. Meanwhile, Radiohead have formed a new LLP, leading to speculation that they are gearing up for some new activity. Separately from the group, Yorke is releasing a duo album with Mark Pritchard.