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Live Recordings, TV-Clips & Roadmovie

BY Keith CarmanPublished Apr 13, 2010

Any politi-punk worth their weight in megaphones and protest banners knows Swiss proto-riot grrrl outfit Kleenex/Liliput. Changing their name to the latter in 1979 after a legal battle with the proper copyright owners of the "K" word, they went on to provoke as much as they inspired, amused and confounded. That motivating attack is perfectly captured on all-encompassing collection Live Recordings, TV-Clips & Roadmovie. From the trashy, garage-worthy audio CD recorded in 1979, which reveals simplistic three-chord tunes that clearly inspired the film Ladies And Gentlemen... The Fabulous Stains, through to the band's later, more complex, better-sounding tracks documented in 1983, there's a unique blend of punk attitude and new wave instrumental tinkering captured in its most formative stages here. Bolstered by five previously unreleased tracks, vintage video clips and the Roadmovie film, this compilation is as inspired as the music it celebrates.
(Kill Rock Stars)

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