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​Nicki Minaj Adds Stephen Colbert Bar to "Barbie Dreams"

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Aug 14, 2018

Nicki Minaj ruffled some rappers' feathers on her Queen cut "Barbie Dreams," and the quick-witted star added another victim to her list on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night (August 13).
Minaj sat down to chat with Colbert, and when he seemed hurt by not being included on her list of rejected bedmates on the song, she added him right in there.
"I might [bleep] Stephen after the show / He gon' come back to work with a magical glow," she spat before breaking into giggles.
Once everyone recovered, she added, "But when you see us [bleep] please don't stare / Just address me as Queen Nicki Colbert."
Watch the interview clip below.

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