Nicki Minaj Will Fire Her Tour DJ If She Catches Him Signing Boobs Again


BY Megan LaPierrePublished May 28, 2024

Nicki Minaj's moral high horse is, at best, a small pony — but that doesn't stop her from riding. The perpetually tardy rapper/free-thinker has threatened to fire her Pink Friday 2 world tour DJ after he posted on social media about signing a fan's boobs.

But let's backtrack for a second, because Minaj had an interesting weekend to say the least. On Saturday (May 25), she was arrested by Amsterdam police for allegedly trying to take drugs on an airplane. She also livestreamed the whole ordeal, writing on Twitter, "They're being paid big money to try to sabotage my tour b/c soooooo many ppl are mad that it's this successful & they can't eat off me. They got caught stealing money from my travel/jets. Got fired. Got mad. Etc."

After being held in custody for a few hours, the artist paid a fine and was released. However, she was detained long enough to prevent her from playing a scheduled concert in Manchester, UK, at the city's troubled new Co-op Live arena, which has already had to cancel a lot of gigs in its short time being open. Minaj has announced a rescheduled show there on June 3.

While the rapper was dealing with the cops, her tour DJ, DJ Boof, was simply enjoying life. On his Instagram Story, he gleefully wrote, "I'M REALLY FAMOUS THEY ASKED ME TO SIGN THEIR BOOBS," atop a video clip of him taking a Sharpie to one of the Barbz's Dan-Nicky-Your-Bobbies.

"I promise I'll fire him if I EVAHHHHH see this again," Minaj wrote on Twitter, sharing a screenshot of Boof's post. "Df."

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