Taylor Swift Unveils "Look What You Made Me Do" Video

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Aug 28, 2017

Tonight (August 27) during the MTV Video Music Awards, Taylor Swift finally revealed the previously teased music video for her latest single "Look What You Made Me Do."
Prior to its full release, Swift gave followers a sneak peek at the clip via social media.
Even before it was released in its entirety, the video drew criticism on Twitter for co-opting another pop diva's onscreen aesthetic.
The director of Swift's new video, Joseph Kahn — a Beyoncé collaborator, no less — has since responded to the criticism.
Well, now the remaining shots have been revealed. Watch the complete video for "Look What You Made Me Do" below.

The clip follows the elaborate rollout of the single, which will appear on Swift's next album, Reputation. The singer's sixth studio record arrives on November 10 — and no, it's not intended to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the death of Kanye West's mother.

Before Reputation drops, dive into Taylor Swift's back catalogue via Umusic.

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