​Rae Spoon

Fromagerie Elgin, Sudbury ON, July 8

Photo: Sarah Greene

BY Sarah GreenePublished Jul 9, 2017

Rae Spoon's after-hours Fromagerie set was perhaps the strongest set yet I've seen from the folk-rock one-person band; it certainly had a really nice arc to it, moving from folk to a lo-fi dance party vibe well-suited to the intimate venue. They started with the haunting "If You Lose Your Horses" off 2008's Superioryouareinferior and a song from the same time period laying a bit of criticism on Calgary called, hilariously, "My Heart Is a Piece of Garbage Fight! Seagulls Fight!" before moving on to a new one, a useful anthem called "Do Whatever The Fuck You Want."
Spoon's song titles often contain their main message, but it's their fleshing out of the themes that is interesting. This one asked: Should I be an artist or an accountant? Should I date men or women or non-binary? (Or should friendship be the thing?) The answer was, always and unapologetically, "Do Whatever The Fuck You Want." It's a simple message, but a liberating one.
Spoon playfully played, "You Can Dance With the One You Came With or You Can Come Home With Me," and also showed their romantic side ("I was meant for you, if that's what you want," they sang). If you don't belong to a group you are writing about, it's listening time, Spoon said while introducing "Stolen Song." Then, they offered some songwriting advice: "Use flashbacks." Spoon's music is often political and educational, but it's also heartfelt and engaging.

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