Club Soda, Montreal, QC, September 20

Photo: Julie Michaud

BY Evan LePagePublished Sep 21, 2012

Things don't always go as planned up on stage. Vancouver duo MYTHS performed a show plagued by technical mishaps and miscommunication despite their best efforts to bring movement to a Pop Montreal crowd at Club Soda. Halfway through their opening song of the night, the band had to stop and reassess, as volume levels and other kinks had set them off-time and off-key. The second go went better than the first, but the band were still obviously trying to get a feel for the set-up on their first night of a fall tour with Grimes, and the performance took a temporary back seat to the learning process.

To their credit, MYTHS came back and performed the hell out of the second half of their set. The songs were elaborate, with layer after layer after layer built up and slowly torn down piece by piece until the track met its end. The ladies' vocal styles were antagonistic, pairing the screamed rage of Lief Hall, her passion worthy of Karen O, with operatic harmonies and high-register yelps of Quinne Rodgers.

Track "Prism Portraits" put both personalities on display and tore through the silence of a venue in awe. The complexity of it all worked, and the crowd started to respond and engage. But half an hour quickly seeped away, and it felt as though the concert was over before MYTHS really got started.

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