Look Vibrant

"Hot Iron Wheel" (video)

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Nov 25, 2016

Earlier this year, Montreal indie outfit Look Vibrant released their "Bull & Eagle" single, and before the band finish up work on their upcoming debut full-length, that track's B-side has been treated to a brand new video.
"Hot Iron Wheel" is an explosion of jangly guitars, intricate rhythms and excellently unusual vocal harmonies, and the video is equally odd and whimsical. It features the band performing under eerie, kaleidoscope-like lights at an indoor jungle gym.
As explained by the clip's directors Aaliyeh Afshar and Max Taeuschel, "We wanted the video to play off the song's contrast of tragic lyrics and upbeat music by placing the band in an indoor playground but making it feel dark and intense."
Those tragic lyrics scrawl across the bottom of the screen karaoke-style throughout, so you can follow along as you give the video for "Hot Iron Wheel" a watch in the player below.

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