John Maus Removed from Lineup of New York's ElectroniCON Following Backlash

The artist attended the January 6 Capitol riot and has been accused of homophobia

Photo: Jennifer Hyc

BY Ben OkazawaPublished Jun 27, 2023

John Maus has been announced as a headliner for New York's vaporwave festival ElectroniCON, taking place in August, and people quickly took to Twitter to share their displeasure due to the musician's ties to the January 6 Capitol riot and his documented donations to Donald Trump's reelection campaign.

UPDATE (6/27, 9:10 a.m. ET): John Maus has been removed from ElectroniCON's lineup. Organizer George Clanton wrote on Instagram, "I, George Clanton, apologize to everyone who felt unseen by this lineup decision, and the artists who have been unduly dragged into controversy." He added, "John Maus and team agreed the best thing for all is to step away from the show."


On top of attending the riot, Maus has also been accused of being homophobic due to the lyrics in his 2007 song "Rights for Gays." The lyrics in question include "Tie them to a fence post" and "No, you can't take, take 'em to the bank."
The festival's organizer, electronic musician George Clanton, has yet to comment on the pushback that Maus's presence in the lineup has received. 

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