Weezer Celebrate 'BRAT' Summer with Their Own Wall in Brooklyn

My Name Is Julia

Photo via @Weezer on Twitter

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Jul 24, 2024

It goes without saying that BRAT summer has taken an unexpected turn, with Charli XCX (possibly jokingly) endorsing Kamala Harris and the politician, doing as anyone would, running with it to the nth degree. Nothing gold or green can stay, right?

Back when the magically messy season was just beginning, the pop star had a Williamsburg mural that was lovingly dubbed "the BRAT wall," one of many inspired marketing ploys and the medium Charli used for announcing both the album's deluxe edition and the "Girl, so confusing" remix with Lorde.

While Rivers Cuomo can't quite remember which of Charli's past albums he played on, his short-term memory managed to hold onto the BRAT wall — and has followed suit with a Weezer wall for some reason.

"There is now a Weezer wall in Brooklyn," the band shared on social media. "283 4th Ave to be exact, go find it." They proceeded to thank a company called Square Design Inc. — no, I couldn't make this shit up — for giving them the wall space. How hip!

Where credit is due, yes, Weezer have also released an album featuring a now-iconic shade and a sans-serif font, and it apparently took them a full two days to decide on the hue. Charli XCX, however, spent weeks working on her album artwork before landing on Pantone 3570-C — forevermore known as BRAT green.

"We did hundreds of versions of the cover," her longtime creative director Imogene Strauss told Billboard. "We knew it was going to be green, but the conversations around the shade of green were weeks long… There's so many versions that existed before the final. We analyzed every single element: where has this colour been used before, what are its associations, who reacts to it and how."

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