
"All Men Are Mortal" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Aug 21, 2014

While hard times are shown in the new video for Pimpton's "All Men Are Mortal," the Regina rapper's rhymes lay out a luxurious life plan for himself.

Set up as a Civil War-era period piece down in the Deep South, the video first finds the MC tied up and receiving a whipping from a slave driver. The rhymes don't quite reflect this directly, but have him detailing how he wants to make a billion bucks while carrying a cross along dirt roads. Noting that his music is immortal, a quick narrative shift finds the guy and his crew decked out like a group of modern-day commandos letting loose smoke bombs in the forest.

Here's how a press release describes "All Men Are Mortal":

The song is presented in the form of a monologue juxtaposed on a prayer for the highest level of success. Throughout the song Pimpton discusses his goals and struggles, his personal victories, and also voices some concerns regarding his future, expressing his intention for his music to persist through time even after his own death. The song wraps up with a prayer for moderation in which Pimpton expresses his fears of succumbing to greed and excess. Concluding that all humans are subject to temptations of greed until their time of death.

You can watch the time-travelling video, directed by Aurélien Offner, down below.

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