Kathleen Edwards Speaks Out on Retirement Rumours

BY Alex HudsonPublished Feb 20, 2014

Earlier this month, Kathleen Edwards posted a message on Facebook saying "I'm pretty sure I don't want to make music anymore," and she mused about possible other career options. Naturally, many fans and news outlets, such as ourselves, assumed that she was retiring, but Edwards quickly quashed those reports, and now she's spoken out about the state of her musical career.

"It's not that I think I'm going to stop playing music, it's that I really am struggling to know where I am supposed to go," she told the CBC, saying that she was "mortified" by the retirement rumours. "Part of that is just a life thing... Life's uncertainties are weighing heavy on me right now, and that's just normal."

Although she was unhappy about the media furor she caused, there was an upside to her Facebook post. "It's comforting to put that out there," she said. "It's reassuring because then I get people telling me it's okay, we don't either... It's good to check in with that feeling."

It seems that her negative feelings regarding her career stem from the business side of the industry, rather than music itself. In any case, she said that "someone's got to pay the bills," so we shouldn't expect her to step back from music entirely.

That being said, a recent tweet from Edwards noted that she was "stalled as fuck," so perhaps it will be a while before we hear a new LP. Her last album Voyageur came out in 2012.

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