Devendra Banhart has reached out to troubled celebutante Lindsay Lohan by making her mix CDs to help her with her latest rehab stint. The Freaky Friday actress is currently recovering at an outpatient facility in Utah for substance abuse. Speaking to WENN, Banhart said, "I made two mix CDs for her. I put Nico, Vashti Bunyan, Captain Beefheart, Caetano Velso and Joanna Newsome on there. She totally dug them. We ended up talking about Fleetwood Mac who we're both obsessed with."
Asked about Lohan's condition, Banhart admitted, "I haven't talked to her recently. She's taking care of herself. I'm trying to give her some space, because I think now is a tough time for her."
The two first met during a feature for Interview Magazine last year, where Lohan and Banhart interviewed each other for the April issue.
Asked about Lohan's condition, Banhart admitted, "I haven't talked to her recently. She's taking care of herself. I'm trying to give her some space, because I think now is a tough time for her."
The two first met during a feature for Interview Magazine last year, where Lohan and Banhart interviewed each other for the April issue.