Nostalgia heals many wounds, as many once-maligned bands become a lot more loveable with a couple decades' worth of hindsight. Don't tell that to Christina Ricci, however, since she's been using the Yellowjackets press tour as an opportunity to bash Live's "Lightning Crashes."
During an interview with Absolute Radio [via Stereogum], some of the cast members were asked what song they would like to be used in a fan edit for their character.
"As long as it's not another Live song," Ricci answered, referring to an episode in the second season that prominently used "Lightning Crashes." "I really hate that song. They had to lie to me halfway through filming that scene because I kept making fun of it in the performance, and they were like, 'We're not sure we're gonna use this song so please stop singing it in that voice.' And they were lying to me to get me to stop making fun of it."
I simply can't imagine what Ricci would find to make fun of in a song with a line about a placenta falling to the floor!
In another interview, this time with InStyle, she brought it up again. This time, she also made fun of Goo Goo Dolls: "Is it like the Goo Goo Dolls? For fucks sake. Some of these songs that we have to fucking listen to. I'm sorry, but Live was never cool. And when it came out in high school, when I was in high school and that Live song [came out], everyone was like, 'Dorks all love Live.' And then we come to shoot that scene and everyone's like, 'I love this song! It's so amazing!' And I was like, 'What are you talking about?' Do I have amnesia?"
Not the lightning crashes by live slander omg she just called me a loser...
Ricci was decidedly cool in the '90s, appearing in gritty roles in films like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Buffalo '66, The Ice Storm and Pecker. It's not too much of a surprise, then, that she dislikes dorky radio hits from the period.