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Bend Sinister to Hit Up Canada on 2013 North American Tour

BY Alex HudsonPublished Dec 19, 2012

Prog-loving Vancouver pop band Bend Sinister wrapped up a Canadian fall tour last month, and now they're already planning their next jaunt in support of this year's Small Fame.

The trip will last for most of March in 2013. It will begin with the group playing a number of U.S. shows as they make their way to and from SXSW. They will be back in Canada before the end of the month in order to appear at Canadian Music Week in Toronto. This is part of a Canuck leg that stretches as far east as Montreal and as far west as Calgary.

See the schedule below. Also note that the band will be filling the gap between Christmas and New Year's Eve with a hometown show on December 27.

Tour dates:

12/17 Vancouver, BC - Joe's Apartment
3/6 Seattle, WA - El Corazon
3/7 Portland, OR - TBA
3/8 San Francisco, CA - Thee Parkside
3/9 Los Angeles, CA - The Roxy
3/10 Fullerton, CA - Slidebar
3/11 San Diego, CA - Soda
3/12 Scottsdale, AZ - Pub Rocks
3/13 El Paso, TX - Tricky Falls
3/14-17 Austin, TX - SXSW
3/19 St. Louis, MO - Fubar
3/20 Chicago, IL - Township
3/21 London, ON - TBA
3/22 Toronto, ON - Canadian Music Week
3/23 Montreal, QC - Quai Des Brumes
3/24 Ottawa, ON - Raw Sugar
3/27 Winnipeg, MB - TBA
3/28 Regina, SK - O'Hanlon's
3/29 Saskatoon, SK - Vangelis Tavern
3/30 Edmonton, AB - The Pawn Shop
3/31 Calgary, AB - Ship & Anchor

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