SheepdogsCity and ColourMighty Mighty BosstonesAlice MertonA Tribe Called RedJoel Plaskett EmergencyMix Master Mikek-osHubert LenoirTerra LightfootThe DarcysBegoniaJim BrysonReykjavíkurdæturMONOWHALESBonjayPkew Pkew PkewSkye WallaceBen RogersSingle MothersB.A. JohnstonKalle MattsonKandleArt d'EccoJohn Jacob MagisteryAnti-QueensLos PoetasPale LipsMoscow ApartmentJust John & Dom DiasLong Range HustleThe Redhill ValleysTaylor KnoxHotKidDijahSBDennis EllsworthSarah SmithMerivalAce of WandsBilly MoonHello Delaware
Riverfest Elora
Bissell Park
Elora, ON
Doors open @ Aug 16, 2019, 7:00 PM
- Sheepdogs
- City and Colour
- Mighty Mighty Bosstones
- Alice Merton
- A Tribe Called Red
- Joel Plaskett Emergency
- Mix Master Mike
- k-os
- Hubert Lenoir
- Terra Lightfoot
- The Darcys
- Begonia
- Jim Bryson
- Reykjavíkurdætur
- Bonjay
- Pkew Pkew Pkew
- Skye Wallace
- Ben Rogers
- Single Mothers
- B.A. Johnston
- Kalle Mattson
- Kandle
- Art d'Ecco
- John Jacob Magistery
- Anti-Queens
- Los Poetas
- Pale Lips
- Moscow Apartment
- Just John & Dom Dias
- Long Range Hustle
- The Redhill Valleys
- Taylor Knox
- HotKid
- DijahSB
- Dennis Ellsworth
- Sarah Smith
- Merival
- Ace of Wands
- Billy Moon
- Hello Delaware
The 11th annual celebration of music, art, food and community by the Elora Gorge.
To learn more about the festival, check out Exclaim!'s Riverfest Elora festival profile.