"Glass houses cliché," I type into the Google search bar, amazingly unable to remember the exact verbiage of a phrase that has always baffled me for taking such an evocative image and shattering it with a dumb rock.
In the peak season for being wistful and nostalgic and sad but ultimately hopeful, Becca Harvey — the Atlanta, GA-based musician behind girlpuppy — is kicking off the new year with an outside-looking-in approach that's far subtler; more in the vein of driving by an ex's house out of muscle memory, scanning the darkness for light-soaked material proof.
"You are my Silver Spring / No matter what you do, you will always hear me sing," she lilts at the song's biggest groundswell of crescendo, referencing the Fleetwood Mac classic while somehow making the haunting sound featherweight with a singsong hook, airborne by billowing swathes of guitar. It's as wandering as these deep-dives into the memories we live alongside, and feels as freeing as time loosening their grip on our wrists.