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The Walkmen Donate New Album On-line Sales To Charity

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Jul 29, 2008

As the Walkmen prepare to drop their new album, You & Me, the band are also showing they have a gigantic heart. Today, the NYC outfit released their upcoming album online and have announced that they are donating all proceeds to charity.

Right now over at, you can buy a complete, 320 kbps, MP3 version of You & Me for the way-better-than-iTunes price of five dollars. The sale is taking place until the album’s proper August 19 release date and comes as part of the Amie Street’s "Download to Make a Difference” campaign. All proceeds from the download sales will go towards cancer research and treatment.

In a press release, the Walkmen’s Peter Bauer elaborates: "All donations go to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in honour of Luca Vasallo, a friend to the band and a current patient who is seven months old and doing a great job fighting a very difficult disease. This is a very good organization that certainly deserves the attention."

Also in You & Me news, online music retailer Insound announced today that it will have exclusive distribution rights on the album’s vinyl release, which comes on red 180-gram vinyl and with MP3s of the album. The vinyl is "very limited,” so if you want the soon-to-be collector’s item, you better act fast.

The Walkmen also have several upcoming tour dates going down in the coming months, and several in Canada. Here are all the band’s upcoming stops:

8/18 New York NY, Bowery Ballroom
8/19 New York NY, Bowery Ballroom
8/21 West Hollywood CA, Troubadour %
8/22 West Hollywood CA, Troubadour %
8/23 San Francisco CA, Outside Lands Festival
8/27 Portland OR, Doug Fir Lounge %
8/28 Vancouver BC, Richard's on Richards *
8/29 Victoria BC, Rifflandia Festival
8/30 Seattle WA, Bumbershoot Festival
9/06 Washington DC, 9:30 Club !
9/09 Montreal QC, La Sala Rossa !
9/10 Toronto ON, Horseshoe Tavern !
9/11 Pontiac MI, Pike Room @ Crofoot !
9/12 Chicago IL, Metro !
9/13 Minneapolis MN, 400 Bar
9/14 Madison WI, The Annex #
9/15 Columbus OH, The Basement !
9/18 Cambridge MA, Middle East !

% with Richard Swift
* with Man Man
# with Okkvervil River
! with Golem

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