Fit for an Autopsy Guitarist Celebrated After Good Deed Goes Viral

"Moral of the story, don't judge a book by its cover"

Photo: @AfricanPrize (Twitter)

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Jun 19, 2020

Fit for an Autopsy guitarist Patrick Sheridan is being praised online after going viral with a story of automotive allyship.

Yesterday (June 18) Twitter user @AfricanPrize shared a story of how Sheridan lent a helping hand after she ran into some car trouble on the roads. 

"I got stuck on the highway (wasn't paying attention and ran out of gas)," she wrote. "I was on my way to get an oil insurance company said it would take 90 mins for roadside assistance to arrive. And I looked up and saw his BMW."

She explained how Sheridan — "this white man..tattoos all over" — pulled up behind her and asked what the problem was before making a quick trip to a gas station to bring some fuel back to the roadside, telling her, "'I didn't want the cops pulling up to 'help u'"

"He saw how genuinely shocked I was at how willing he was to help me and said 'it sucks that it shocks u that a guy who looks like me is willing to help you, but one step at a time, we will change the world,'" she recalled. "I teared up a bit."

Sheridan, who hadn't tweeted since 2017 until yesterday, logged on to thank everyone singing his praises, calling it "a wild day for me and the internet." 

Last year, Fit for an Autopsy released The Sea of Tragic Beasts.

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