Toronto's Vypers Drop 'Welcome to the Gutter' Demos, Tease New Record

The collection is culled from songs written over the pandemic

Art: Dorrie Mack

BY Allie GregoryPublished Feb 14, 2024

Toronto psychlords Vypers have dropped a surprise, seven-song collection of demos, Welcome to the Gutter: Selected Demos 2020-2023, for Valentine's Day in anticipation of their forthcoming new record, which is expected to arrive later this year.

The four-piece share in a statement that today's batch of music is "somewhat of a departure from our usual writing style, and offers a glimpse into our fractured pandemic mindset."

They wrote in a statement:

A ragged diary of some very morbid years, these songs were primarily written and recorded by Nic [Waterman] and Liam [Cosby]. "Ice" and "Coming Down" were written with Mischa [O'Hoski] and "Scarlet Leather" features Dorrie [Mack] on electric violin.

The lyrics blur the line between deeply candid and chemically psychotic, while the music makes no attempt to hide its Venn diagram of influences ranging from Scorpions to Fugazi.

With mixed feelings we present this haunted snapshot to you on Love Day.

The resulting home-recorded collection is available to stream below via SoundCloud. As for the band's plans for 2024: "We also recorded a massive hi-fi record during that time which is now finished and pending release this year," the band added in a statement. "Stay broken hearted."


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