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Ted Nugent Lobbying To Be Obama's Drug Czar

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Jan 26, 2009

If President Barack Obama is aiming for a "renewed warrior spirit to crush evil and evil doers," he apparently needs to look no further than Ted Nugent, who's put a call out to Obama to enlist him as America's next drug czar.

In a recent editorial on the conservative website, the firearms/rock'n'roll enthusiast made his anti-drug stance blatantly clear, saying he is more than qualified to lead the war on drugs and, above all, is committed to taking out the trash.

"Call me, President Obama," Nugent writes. "Hippies, dope heads, corrupt politicos and various other human debris hate me, which makes me the perfect man for the job.

"We have all the laws we need to fight drugs. What America needs is the will-power and a renewed warrior spirit to crush evil and evil doers. As Drug Czar, I would charge our mayors and police departments to commit to fighting the drug gangs their top priority. Our inner cities will remain war zones until we commit to taking the trash out."

The Nuge goes on to write that while his arsenal of firearms and crossbows won't likely put a stop to drugs in the U.S., he can "put a big hurt" on the major players, saying he would arrest and/or kill those drug-pushing evildoers.

"I am not naïve enough to believe we can ever fully eradicate drugs," he says. "However, as America's Drug Czar, I would put a big hurt on the drug kingpins and consumers like they have never seen. Every American who smokes dope, manufactures, buys or sells meth or uses any illegal drugs is aiding and abetting the enemies of America. Case closed. This spiritual inbreeding and cannibalism must be identified, admitted to and stopped immediately. America can, and must do this. Good over evil."

Obama has yet to comment on Nugent's proposal, but somehow we have a feeling that Terrible Ted may be one president too late.

Ted Nugent "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" (live)

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