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Sufjan Stevens Reacts to Trump's Muslim Ban: "Christ Would Be Ashamed of Us All"

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Jan 30, 2017

Not long after delivering a loose message surrounding the Ten Commandments, Sufjan Stevens has now penned a letter concerning the American government's treatment of refugees and immigrants following Donald Trump's extremely controversial Muslim ban.

Shared on Twitter by Stevens's label Asthmatic Kitty, the statement reads that "there is really no such thing as an illegal immigrant, for we are all immigrants and refugees in a wildly changing world that is dominated by superfluous boundaries built by blood and war."

He continues: "We are all complicit in the injustices against basic human rights and common decency, to put it mildly, which renders our own 'inalienable rights' as questionable or obsolete."

The post concludes with Stevens urging readers to "eradicate each other, and work on transforming your mind and behavior in the direction of love. This is not New Age balderdash. This is what it means to be a human being. Christ would be ashamed of us all. I love you and pray for you daily."

Find the full statement below.

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