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Red Hot Chili Peppers' New and Obviously Fake Single Leaks; Twitter Reacts

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jan 29, 2014

Red Hot Chili Peppers will be taking part this weekend's Super Bowl halftime show, but in the meantime, the veteran funk-rock band have been cut down a peg by an apparent parody song. Hilariously dubbed "Abracadabralifornia," the song has been making its rounds online and evidently fooling lots of people on Twitter along the way.

The song originates from, a newly launched site that is covered in promotional materials for the band's Super Bowl gig. It initially appears to be legit, but the website isn't mentioned on any legitimate RHCP channels (such as their Twitter, Facebook or official homepage).

The real kicker, however, is "Abracadabralifornia," which is available as a free download and is streaming on the site. It finds the Anthony Kiedis-aping singer crooning about California, singing some ghastly scat, and unleashing slapstick rap lyrics like, "I drink an Alabama slammer with your sexy-ass grandma." The bridge gets even more ridiculous, with hard rock guitars and the filthy lines, "She jammed my butt with a big stick / And then proceeded to be sucking my dick."

While the Chili Peppers haven't come out and said that the song is a fake, we're fairly certain that this is too ridiculous to be real.

There's no question, however, that this parody is pretty much spot-on, and the dude absolutely nails his Anthony Kiedis impression. Plenty of folks have been fooled on Twitter already.

See some of the comments below and listen to the song here.

UPDATE: As Consequence of Sound points out, the song is actually from an old Comedy Bang Bang podcast, where it was originally called "The Pepper Man" before the online pranksters got a hold of it.

The Super Bowl, of course, takes place Sunday (February 2), with the halftime show also featuring Bruno Mars.

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