Taken from a hometown benefit show for the Grassy Narrows Blockade, this 2003 set of 21 songs focuses heavily on material from Todays Empires, Tomorrows Ashes. With a few tracks culled from Less Talk, More Rock and How to Clean Everything, the most interesting takes here are from the then unreleased Potemkin City Limits, with "Name and Address Withheld and "Superbowl Patriot XXXVI both appearing in somewhat different forms than they do on record. Overall, the quality of the sound is top-notch and the video is shoddy enough to feel appropriately punk. The most entertaining feature here is easily the commentary track, courtesy of the bands Chris Hannah and Derek from G7, which alternates between interesting titbits about the songs and the show and observations such as, "Now Todd is running on top of the monitor. Now hes not. There are also two full-length documentaries relating to the groups benefiting from the sales of this DVD: the Grassy Narrows Blockade and the Middle East Childrens Alliance.
(G-7 Welcoming Committee)Propagandhi
Live from Occupied Territory
BY Sam SutherlandPublished May 10, 2007