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Lady Gaga's Stolen Dogs Returned Safe and Sound

via Instagram

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Feb 27, 2021

Lady Gaga's two stolen French bulldogs have been returned.

Following a terrifying incident this week in which the pop star's two dogs, Koji and Gustav, were stolen in an armed robbery from a dogwalker, the pair of bulldogs have been safely returned to the singer's representatives, according to police.

While exact details of the dogs' return are unclear, a woman reportedly brought them to the Olympic Community Police Station in Los Angeles, with representatives of the singer confirming they were hers. According to a report from the Associated Press, the woman seemed to be "uninvolved and unassociated" with the robbery, police said.

As previously reported, Lady Gaga had offered a massive $500,000 USD reward for the dogs' safe return, but it's unclear if the reward was claimed.

The two robbers remain at large.

As for dogwalker Ryan Fischer who was shot while struggling with the robbers, he is still in hospital but in stable condition, according to police.

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