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Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson Says He Doesn't Really "Get" Drake

The writing on the wall is decidedly not champagne poetry

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Dec 31, 2021

As of 2014, Nicki Minaj has famously "never fucked Drake," and this year, Lizzo added that she "ain't fuck Drake yet." Meanwhile, Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson has admitted another relatable, intimate revelation about the rapper: the frontman says he doesn't really "get" Drake's music.

In a new interview, Dickinson discussed the chart battle that ensued between Iron Maiden and the Toronto figurehead when they released their new albums — Senjutsu and Certified Lover Boy, respectively — this fall. Drake won out in the band's homeland of the UK, but their latest release is the highest-charting collection ever in the US for the metal legends.

"We went head to head with Drake the week the album was released," the musician said. "I don't really get what he does, though a lot of people do, but going head to head with him felt like, 'No, this is real music played by a bunch of old geezers who make no concessions to the times in which we live.'"

This is directly counterintuitive to the fact that Iron Maiden recently launched a merch line with the very hip franchise that is Marvel, but go on.

He added: "People say, 'You're dinosaurs.' And we go, 'Yeah, and there aren't too many of those left.' This is who we are, it's what we do."

Respect your metal elders (and their fossils).

In early 2022, Dickinson will embark on a spoken word tour of North America — where he apparently will not be performing (champagne) poetry — ahead of hitting the road with Maiden next fall.

Certified Giver Boy recently spent Christmas giving away money to random people in Toronto, perhaps as an apology for the recent study finding that listening to his music makes you run slower.

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