GWAR Suggest Drinking Bleach to Cure COVID-19

"It was really great to hear our president in America say that it was OK to use bleach as a cleaner or as a drug. GWAR has been using it as a drug forever"

BY Allie GregoryPublished Apr 30, 2020

Following some dangerous remarks from President Donald Trump regarding the ingestion of bleach and other disinfectants as a treatment for coronavirus, GWAR have endorsed the suggestion by demonstrating that they too enjoy drinking bleach.

In a video posted yesterday (April 29), the group's JizMak Da Gusha suggested that bleach is great to use as a recreational drug, claiming the band have consumed bleach for fun long before the president suggested its use for COVID-19.

"Coming at you with another PSA for the COVID-19," JizMak said in the video "It was really great to hear our president in America say that it was OK to use bleach as a cleaner or as a drug. GWAR has been using it as a drug forever. You can inhale it, that's a fun way. You can try to smoke it, shoot it."

He continued: "Obviously, drink it is the best. That's what I like to do. You just get the big ol' bottle and just chug away. So if you want to stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach."

Previously, the band had been advocating on social media for their fans to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic — so that they can kill you themselves when they can get back out on tour.

To be clear, there is absolutely no health benefit to drinking bleach. Bleach and other disinfectants should never be consumed in any way, including through inhalation or injection. So far, the only proven way to reduce risk of contracting COVID-19 is by practising proper physical distancing and washing your hands.

Watch JizMak's PSA below.

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