Having premiered the audio for their new, gloomy gospel single "Heaven" earlier this week, Depeche Mode have now come through with some appropriately churchy visuals.
As you can see down below, director Timothy Saccenti's video clip has leather-clad electro-pop pros Martin Gore and David Gahan singing in unison from inside a hollowed out cathedral, while Andy Fletcher hammers out a piano melody nearby. There's some supernatural quirks to the vid too, including the spiritually-sound relationship between some masked and cloaked pantomimers, and the groovy laser-light show that swirls around Depeche Mode as if they were playing your local planetarium.
As previously reported, "Heaven" arrives as a single on February 5, and will be packaged with remixes from Matthew Dear, Blawan, Owlle, and Steps to Heaven. The group's Delta Machine LP, on which "Heaven" also figures, drops March 26 through Columbia.
As you can see down below, director Timothy Saccenti's video clip has leather-clad electro-pop pros Martin Gore and David Gahan singing in unison from inside a hollowed out cathedral, while Andy Fletcher hammers out a piano melody nearby. There's some supernatural quirks to the vid too, including the spiritually-sound relationship between some masked and cloaked pantomimers, and the groovy laser-light show that swirls around Depeche Mode as if they were playing your local planetarium.
As previously reported, "Heaven" arrives as a single on February 5, and will be packaged with remixes from Matthew Dear, Blawan, Owlle, and Steps to Heaven. The group's Delta Machine LP, on which "Heaven" also figures, drops March 26 through Columbia.