Braids Offshoot Blue Hawaii Return with 'Untogether'

BY Alex HudsonPublished Oct 10, 2012

In the two years since Blue Hawaii released Blooming Summer, singer Raph (a.k.a Raphaelle Standell-Preston) has been busy playing with Braids while Agor (a.k.a. Alex Cowan) has been working on electronic music in Europe. Now, the pair have reconvened and, on January 22, will release Untogether on Arbutus Records.

UPDATE: Blue Hawaii's new album is now due out March 5.

The album was recorded intermittently throughout early 2012. Inspired by the Canadian winter, the pair's sunny sound "became colder, more introspective" and captured a "vast world of self-awareness and delicacy."

The two members' parts were recorded separately, and the album apparently sheds light on the impact art and technology on relationships, finding "the conflict of separation/belonging to one's self and community."

No music from Untogether has yet emerged online, but the band have several shows at CMJ in New York this month, so see their schedule below.

Tour dates:

10/16 New York, NY - Portals Showcase @ Pianos

10/18 New York, NY - Sam Mickens' Party @ Bowery Electric

10/19 New York, NY - M for Montreal @ Arlene's Grocery

10/20 New York, NY - POP Smoked Meat Showcase @ Cameo Gallery

10/20 New York, NY - Arbutus @ Death By Audio

Tour Dates

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