Last night (January 31), Banks offered up a lengthy Twitter spree explaining that she plans to vote for the controversial Republican candidate when the election rolls around. She used the same reasoning as many of his other supporters, claiming that he's the only one who will stand up to big businesses.
Ok so, I think I'm ready to admit that I'm going to vote for Donald Trump.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
I think Trump is the only one who truly has the balls to bust up big business. Hilary is too tied in with them and Bernie has no clout.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
Just because Hilary Clinton and Bernie sanders say nice things about minorities doesn't mean they actually mean them
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
Politicians have been saying "nice" things about colored folks and we've still been getting fucked.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
Further, it's worth noting that her political stance comes from a place of hopelessness, as she sees America as a "racist land of make believe."
I only trust this country to be what it is: full of shit. takes shit to know shit so we may as well, put a piece of shit in the White House
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
I have no hope for America. It is what it is. Capitalist, consumerist, racist land of make believe. Its inherently evil and must feed …
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
On others for it to survive. I didn't create it. I'm not proud of it . But I am here…. And it's all I know.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
Of course, her stance on Trump was met with some hateful replies.
why are you guys telling me to kill myself ? That's what's wrong with the USA. Everyone pretends to be open-minded but they're really not.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
If you're still a fan despite her Trump support, you can check out Banks' next single "The Big Beat" when it drops on February 7.