​Andy Kim Plans 2016 Christmas Benefit Shows in Toronto and Montreal

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Oct 25, 2016

Andy Kim's Christmas concerts have become a tradition for the Canadians holiday season, and he'll be bringing benefit shows back to both Toronto and Montreal this festive season.
The 12th annual Toronto benefit show will take place on December 7 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, with the lineup of special guests to be revealed in the coming weeks. Proceeds from the event will benefit the CAMH Foundation's Gifts of Light Program.
"For the last three years, I've personally seen CAMH Foundation's Gifts of Light Program and how successful the program is in taking care of their patients' special needs. It's fitting to again choose this beautiful program," Kim's friend, co-organizer and past performer Ron Sexsmith said in a statement. "I look forward to the Andy Kim Christmas Show every year… even more than Christmas itself."
The third edition of the Montreal event will take place on December 10 at Corona Theatre, and the roster of performers has just been revealed, including Roch Voisine, Ron Sexsmith, Hey Rosetta! frontman Tim Baker, Whitehorse and the Dears' Murray Lightburn. Proceeds from the show will be donated to the Starlight Children's Foundation.
A press release promises that "patrons will be treated to a classic variety entertainment show that includes holiday performances by some of the country's most sought-after singer-songwriters and performers."
Tickets for the Toronto instalment are currently available, while tickets for the Montreal show go on sale October 28.
Below, look back on the last twelve years of successful holiday concerts in a new video compilation.

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