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AC/DC's Brian Johnson Unveils Memoir 'The Lives of Brian'

"I've gone from choirboy to rock'n'roll singer, and now I've gone and written a bloody book about it"

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Apr 12, 2021

AC/DC's Brian Johnson has announced a new autobiography. The frontman will share long-awaited memoir The Lives of Brian on October 26 by Penguin Michael Joseph/Dey Street Books.

The 320-page book will follow Johnson "from growing up in a small town to starting his own band to ultimately replacing Bon Scott, the lead singer of one of the world's biggest rock acts, AC/DC."

Of course, Johnson would join the band in time to record 1980's Back in Black, now recognized as one of the best-selling rock records ever.

"I've had some long nights and some great nights, bad days and a lot of good ones," Johnson wrote on Twitter in teasing his memoir. "I've gone from choirboy to rock'n'roll singer, and now I've gone and written a bloody book about it."

Penguin Books publishing director Rowland White added: "From growing up in the north-east, the son of a former British army sergeant-major and an Italian mother, to fronting world's biggest rock band, The Lives of Brian tells one of the best stories in music in Brian's own inimitable voice. His life has been a roller coaster of highs and lows during which success as a musician too often felt out of reach. But even when it seemed defeat had been snatched from the jaws of victory he never gave up. And throughout his feet have remained firmly planted on the ground."

The Lives of Brian follows Johnson's 2012 book Rockers and Rollers: A Full-Throttle Memoir, in which he wrote of his life and love of cars.

Johnson and his bandmates released POWER UP last year. Read Exclaim!'s interview with AC/DC.

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