The Barenaked Ladies Subreddit Is Begging You Not to Post Porn There

Please don't share any actual naked ladies

BY Alex HudsonPublished Sep 22, 2023

Anyone who grew up in the '90s surely remembers a time when Barenaked Ladies' band name seemed incredibly naughty — a name discussed in hushed tones, sure to inspire laughter from peers and disapproving tsks from parents. They were famously barred from performing at a NYE concert outside Toronto City Hall because of concerns over the name.

Now, over 30 years later, concerns and confusion over the band name still exist — at least on the band's subreddit, where moderators are beginning people to please stop posting porn.

Moderator u/JoeDawson81 addressed the issue in a post yesterday (September 21) titled, "Absolutely No NSFW Content," which is now pinned to the top of r/barenakedladies. The message reads, "I can't believe people still post porn here as I discovered in the middle of the night. it's mind boggling how stupid people can be. Let me be clear, this is not a porn sub and if you are too stupid it's not my problem."

The moderator noted that a user has been banned from the subreddit after sharing porn. If more users continue to post adult content, moderators may instate a policy requiring posts to be approved before going live.

So let this be a warning to any horndogs descending upon r/barenakedladies: no graphic pictures of lovers in a dangerous time.

The band released their new album In Flight last week, and singer Ed Robertson spoke with Exclaim! about the 25th anniversary of the single "One Week."
Absolutely no NSFW Content.
byu/JoeDawson8 inbarenakedladies

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