Loudwire points out that a number of fans who attended Turnstile's August 30 performance with Show Me the Body, Never Ending Game and Gulch in Santa Cruz made the unfortunate discovery that someone pooped in the mosh pit at one point during the evening.
The following afternoon. Show Me the Body confirmed the act of dancefloor defecation and subsequent stage-smearing did indeed happen, writing on Twitter, "SOMEONE SHITTED IN THE TURNSTILE PIT LAST NIGHT NO LIE."
The band's post was followed by further confirmation of pit-pooping from promoter Joel Cupcake, whose PinUp Productions co-presented the concert. "I cant believe this but yes human shit ended up on stage last night during Turnstile," he wrote. "As hilarious as this is it's also disgusting & EXTREMELY unsafe. Plz if you have any idea of who it was, plz let me know as that person should not be allowed at shows ever again."
As of press time, the identity of the Turnstile pit pooper remains a "Mystery," and while it's certainly hard to flush that image from our minds, we recommend anyone heading to a concert in the near future to go before the show, and not take any order to "cut the shit, start the pit" so literally.
Find footage of Turnstile's Santa Cruz set below, and read Exclaim!'s review of GLOW ON.
ATTN 40831: I cant believe this but yes human shit ended up on stage last night during Turnstile. As hilarious as this is it’s also disgusting & EXTREMELY unsafe. Plz if you have any idea of who it was, plz let me know as that person should not be allowed at shows ever again.
As a sufferer of IBS, that could’ve been me taking a shit at a Turnstile show. Sending my prayers and well wishes to the phantom pooper.
totally understandable that turnstile would be so sick that someone would shit their pants in the pit
“Shit at the Turnstile show” is the new “Ryan Gosling stage diving at American Nightmare” or “Davey Havok being the one on the motorcycle at Sound & Fury”.
What if we shit in the Turnstile pit?haha just kidding… unless 🥺
Y’all scared the turnstile shitter into hiding. We could have waited till they casually told a friend thinking no one noticed and within the week we would have found out through the gossip. Now they hide covered in poop somewhere waiting to strike again.
HARDCORE IS CANCELED You all just went my LAST show ever