
"Adore" (live video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Mar 13, 2015

UK post-punk unit Savages haven't offered any concrete details on when they'll deliver the follow-up to their acclaimed Silence Yourself LP, but the band have been showing off some new tunes on tour. A recent performance of one such song has surfaced, and you can check out an onstage run-through of "Adore" online now.

As Stereogum points out, the concert performance at New York's Mercury Lounge was uploaded in January, but the video has only recently started making the rounds. As you'll see down below, the song is a spacious and slow-rolling affair steeped in atmosphere-climbing guitar work and vocalist Jehnny Beth life-analyzing cries. It caps with a breathtaking crescendo.

"It's about about life and death," Beth says at the beginning of the video above a miasma of moody six-stringing, "When you put life in the balance with death — when someone is dying, when you feel your death, and then you realize life has so much importance. So it may sound negative, but it's actually a positive song."

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