Lou Reed's Writings on Martial Arts to be Released, Featuring a Foreword by Laurie Anderson

'The Art of the Straight Line' collects the artist's unpublished writings on tai chi, music, and meditation

Photo: Julian Schnabel

BY Kaelen BellPublished Jan 5, 2023

A new book titled The Art of the Straight Line: My Tai Chi will compile the writings of Lou Reed — who practiced tai chi from the '80s until his death in 2013 — on music, meditation, and martial arts. It's out March 14 via HarperOne, and features a foreword written by the artist's partner Laurie Anderson, who also edited the book alongside Stephan Berwick, Bob Currie and Scott Richman. 

According to the publisher, the book comprises "unpublished writings on the technique, practice, and purpose of martial arts, as well as essays, observations, and riffs on meditation and life." 

Reed studied tai chi with Master Ren GuangYi, and often discussed the practice with other notable tai chi practitioners like Iggy Pop, Tony Visconti, Julian Schnabel and the late Hal Willner. Those conversations will also appear in the book. 

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