Listen to Fucked Up's 'David Comes to Life' Now on

BY Josiah HughesPublished May 30, 2011

Toronto hardcore sextet Fucked Up are no strangers to the pages of Exclaim!, as they're one of the most interesting bands currently working in any genre. Following up their Polaris Music Prize-winning second album The Chemistry of Common Life may have looked like a daunting task, but they've arguably outdone themselves with their sprawling rock opera David Comes to Life.

The record will be available in stores on June 7 via Matador Records, but until then, Canada-based listeners can listen to a free stream right here all week on

Easily one of the strangest records we've ever heard, David Come to Life is a 77-minute rock opera that tells the story of David Eliade, a humble lightbulb factory employee living in a fictional town in Margaret Thatcher-era England. He meets the woman of his dreams in Veronica, watches her die and struggles to find himself.

 It sounds more like the premise of a Belle and Sebastian song, sure, but Fucked Up take that twee plot line and carve out an immense and blisteringly loud punk record. Recorded with Vampire Weekend/Sleigh Bells studio whiz Shane Stoneback, the music is fuller and more crisp than ever. As for the songs themselves, they cover a lot of sonic ground, finding an indescribable place between the Who's anthemic rock'n'roll and the band's own ear-melting take on indie rock.

Listen for yourself: David Comes to Life will be streaming on until June 5 in Canada.

Stay tuned for these future full-album streams on

Junior Boys It's All True June 6 to June 12
Bon Iver Bon Iver June 13 to June 19
Handsome Furs Sound Kapital June 20 to June 26
Wiley 100% Publishing June 27 to July 4

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