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Incarcerated Criminal Impersonates Scott Weiland, Tricks Police

Photo: TMZ

BY Alex HudsonPublished Aug 22, 2014

Yesterday (August 22), reports spread around the web that former Stone Temple Pilots/Velvet Revolver frontman Scott Weiland had been arrested close to a month ago for burglary and methamphetamine possession and has been locked up ever since. Now, in a bizarre twist, it has turned out that the criminal was impersonating the 44-year-old singer, and the real Weiland is currently in the studio with his band.

Following yesterday's reports, Weiland and his band the Wildabouts posted a video on Facebook explaining that they were currently recording in Los Angeles. The singer called TMZ's story about the arrest "a nice piece of fiction," and said that the website would be "hearing from my attorneys." Watch the clip below.

Weiland's claims of innocence were confirmed by the Beverly Hills Police Department [via TMZ], who ran the man's fingerprints and discovered that he was actually 44-year-old Jason Michael Hurley. The man had been caught stealing razors from a Rite-Aid in Beverley Hills in July, and was found to be in possession of drugs. Furthermore, he was charged with burglary rather than simple theft because he was apparently carrying a special insulated bag designed to fool the store's sensors, meaning that the act was likely premeditated.

The man gave Weiland's name and birthdate when he was arrested. He had been in jail for nearly a month, and the cops apparently thought he was the singer the whole time; it wasn't until the story spread yesterday that the mix-up was discovered.

Weiland has a history of drug abuse and legal troubles, but he's said in recent interviews that he's clean these days.

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