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'Cemetery Preston' (album stream)

BY Bradley Zorgdrager Published Jan 31, 2018

With Cemetery PrestonGreber now have more full-lengths than band members. The LP follows the duo's debut Hometown Heroin and sophomore effort Kiln Hardened Psalms, building on what bassist/vocalist Marc Bourgon and drummer/vocalist Steve Vargas have been working on since the disbandment of their 2000s trio Tugnut. You can hear their latest exclusively here ahead of its February 2 release.

After a brief noise intro, you'll be met with a menacing bass lead over a drum build. It sets the tone for the eight songs that follow on Cemetery Preston.

Take follow-up "The Wreckers," for example, which takes a winding opening to a lurching midsection — made all the more jerky by the chunky tone — before eventually seeing itself out with a punky passage. Third track "Prophetic" takes the phrase "slow and low" and flips the first half, finding a particularly rumbling bass part met with metal's opposite of slow — a blast beat.

We'll leave you to form your own opinions on the other two-thirds of the album, named after the community in Cambridge in which the band reside. Greber had the following to say about the overarching theme, both sonically and phonically:

With Cemetery Preston we dug a bit deeper and got a lot darker in the overall sound and feel of this record. Our aim was to make it as ugly as possible both musically and lyrically. I feel like it's the best representation of the band to date and we're really excited to play a bunch of these songs on the road in February.

You'll find a list of those shows below, then the album underneath those. 

Tour dates:

02/01 Ottawa, ON - Pressed
02/02 Montreal, QC - Atomic Cafe
02/03 Quebec City, QC - Scanner Bistro
02/06 Fredericton, NB - Maniac Mansion
02/07 Saint John, NB - Second Spin
02/08 Moncton, NB - Plan B
02/09 Halifax, NS - Gus Pub & Grill
02/10 Sherbrooke, QC - Le Murdoch
02/23 Toronto, ON - Coalition
02/24 - Cambridge, ON - Scout Hut
03/03 - Guelph, ON - DSTRCT*
03/24 Hamilton, ON - Doors Pub

* with Arise and Ruin

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