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Courtney Love Reveals the Only Grimes Song She Likes

"These rocker ears" can't handle synthpop

BY Alex HudsonPublished Apr 9, 2021

Grimes embraced some heavier rock sounds with last year's Miss Anthropocene — but evidently it wasn't enough to impress Courtney Love, who has said that Grimes doesn't use enough guitars for her taste.

In a Facebook update, Love wrote that she had just seen an interview clip in which Grimes scoffed that she would "never be so basic as to play guitar."

Love continued, "'Delete Forever' is her only song (w 'guitar' on GarageBand) of hers these rocker ears can deal with." The scare quotes around "guitar" presumably refer to the fact that the acoustic strumming from "Delete Forever" actually comes from a sample pack.

The quote Love is referring to comes from Grimes' New York Times interview about how she made "Delete Forever." When asked about the lack of acoustic guitar in her catalogue, Grimes responded, "I weirdly like acoustic guitar — I just can't be that basic, from an ego perspective."

Grimes is specifically referring to using acoustic guitar in her own songs, but Love seems to have taken it as a diss against guitars in general.

It's not clear if Love has ever heard some of the more punk- and metal-inspired Grimes songs, such as "We Appreciate Power" or "Flesh Without Blood," which prominently feature electric guitars played by Grimes.

Love ended her post by talking about Princess Ai, the manga series she co-wrote back in 2004.


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