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Chilly Gonzales Issues His Own Instructional Piano Book

BY Alex HudsonPublished Apr 9, 2014

Are you a lapsed pianist interested in returning to the instrument? In that case, Canadian piano hero Chilly Gonzales has a book for you. His instructional Re-Introduction Etudes will be out on May 14 through Gentle Threat Ltd./Editions Bourgès R.

The book is specifically designed to help those who previously gave up playing the piano. A beginner's music reading ability is recommended for the 24 pieces, each of which highlights specific techniques. According to a press release, "Gonzo gives his take on how melodies are designed, how harmony works and most of all, how to use special piano secrets that other books don't dare to explain."

Each piece is accompanied by text written by Gonzales, offering instruction and personal "shortcuts." There's also a poster plus a companion CD featuring his own versions of the 24 etudes in question. An e-book version of Re-Introduction Etudes will also be released. The book is available in English, French or German, and you can pre-order a copy here.

Below, watch a two-minute video about the book. The clip notes that Gonzales will perform some live classes soon, the dates for which can be seen below and ticket information can be found at Gonzales' website.

An announcement notes, "This is your chance to see Chilly Gonzales in an intimate setting where he will talk about melody and harmony, scales, moving motifs, semitones and of course, major and minor. Four lucky 'students' get one-on-one on-stage lessons, so to all you lapsed piano players out there, come prepared to get to work with the Maestro!"

Masterclass dates:

05/24 Toronto, ON - Mazzoleni Hall at Royal Conservatory of Music (lecture)
06/02 Montreal, QC - Centre Phi (lecture)
06/18 Vienna Austria - Stadtsaal (concert)
06/27 Berlin, Germany - Dussman, das KulturKaufhaus (lecture)
07/07 Paris, France - Amphithéâtre at Cité de la Musique (lecture)
07/29 London, ON - Roundhouse (concert)

Tour Dates

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