Blue Rodeo
Its very easy to take this Canadian roots rock institution for granted after two-plus decades in the game. The impact and influence theyve had on the younger generation of artists theyve gone out of their way to assist should not be underestimated, and they keep regularly delivering quality work. Small Miracles, studio album number 11, is one such worthy addition to the canon. Like your favourite brand of beer, you essentially know what youre going to get with a new Rodeo record: there are going to be the ballads sung sweetly by Jim Cuddy alongside the more introspective and intense tunes delivered via Greg Keelors trademark gruff vocals. This yin and yang of the Lennon and McCartney of Canrock remains the essence of Blue Rodeo, and its yet to sound tired. Sure, theres some lightweight fare here that wont linger long ("Summer Girls, for one) but theres enough of the good stuff to keep their faithful fan base content. The disc starts strong with Keelor in full stride on the moving "So Far Away, followed by another tuneful Cuddy-sung ballad, "This Town. The musicianship throughout is predictably top-notch, whether its the eloquent piano on the melancholy "Together or the haunting steel guitar punctuation on musically adventurous highlight "Black Ribbon. Long may this Rodeo ride. (Warner)
Kerry Doole
(Warner)Blue Rodeo
Small Miracles
BY Kerry DoolePublished Oct 30, 2007