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You, Me and Dupree

Anthony Russo and Joe Russo

BY Thomas QuinlanPublished Feb 16, 2007

You, Me and Dupree is a comedy about a trio trapped in an unusual love triangle. The long-term relationship between best buds Carl Thompson (Matt Dillon) and Randy Dupree (Owen Wilson) is about to end when Carl marries Molly (Kate Hudson). Dupree, left homeless, moves in with the newlyweds at Carl’s insistence, and so begins the tug of war for affection between the three. Add a demanding father-in-law/boss (Michael Douglas) to the mix and life quickly spins out of control for Carl. While the movie does sag a little under its own weight once Carl’s paranoia sets in, You, Me and Dupree is more fun than it has any right to be. By focusing on the newlyweds, writer Michael Le Sieur and directors Anthony and Joe Russo are able to take advantage of the humour found in any new relationship where the couple is forced to walk on eggshells to avoid offending each other, and then effectively contrasts that relationship with the more established, pussy-whipped marriage of good friend Neil (Seth Rogen). The casting is also superb — dramatic actor Dillon plays the straight man to Wilson’s naïve troublemaker, Hudson eschews her normal comic turn for a sympathetic straight role necessary for the movie to work and no one pulls off the aloof father figure as well as Michael Douglas. Plus, the improv of Wilson and Rogen adds a spontaneous energy to the comedy. This last bit is highlighted through the deleted scenes, outtakes and the (original) alternate ending, as well as the two very informative commentaries, one with the directors and one with writer Le Sieur and producer Scott Stuber. But the best bonus feature is the fake movie trailer that turns You, Me and Dupree into a psycho thriller. (Universal)

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