Rob Schneider Booed Off Stage at Regina Charity Event

According to eventgoers, he ranted about vaccines and women's rights and made anti-trans jokes

BY Ben OkazawaPublished Jun 5, 2024

To absolutely nobody's surprise, noted anti-vaxxer Rob Schneider's performance at a healthcare fundraiser didn't go very well. To say he crashed and burned might even be an understatement, considering attendees reportedly booed him off stage in the middle of his set. 

The San Francisco-born comedian and frequent Adam Sandler collaborator was — in a massive oversight by the event organizers — hired to headline the Hospitals of Regina Foundation's (HRF) fundraiser for local healthcare facilities at the Conexus Arts Centre. 

According to eventgoers who've since spoken out online, Schneider went on tangents about "vaccines, women's rights, how white men are persecuted." Further reports on Reddit claim he also made anti-trans jokes and berated the crowd, before being booed and escorted off the stage by the facility's security. 

The HRF apologized for Schneider's behaviour in a statement obtained via CBC, which reads: "We do not condone, accept, endorse or share Mr. Schneider's positions, as expressed during his comedy set." 

They also clarified that they booked him in 2023 through an agent (although his views were on full display well prior to last year). Hopefully, the incident can act as a cautionary tale to event organizers moving forward — do your research before booking talent!

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