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The Fly: Special Edition

David Cronenberg

BY Travis Mackenzie HooverPublished Sep 1, 2005

Almost two decades have elapsed since the release of David Cronenberg's most popular film, but its power to disturb remains undiminished. It's not just about innocently hubristic scientist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) exchanging DNA with a fly, it's about a man slowly decaying through a process he can't stop and the trauma it causes his budding romance with reporter Veronica Quaife (Geena Davis). Cronenberg's trademark "body horror" is all over this movie, but it's aiding shattering tragedy instead of cheap shock — the main event is the person slowly becoming an insect and how the transformation destroys his sense of self. It's a philosopher's horror film, full of questions about the body and identity, and its gory climax is more fraught with sadness than traditional horror. It's essential viewing that transcends its decade with issues that are just as relevant now as 19 years ago. It's now available in a two-disc special edition that's a must for your DVD shelf. Disc one features a commentary by Cronenberg that's less reliant on gore explanations than you'd expect; disc two features a stellar "making of" documentary that covers the production in minute and intimate detail, a second documentary on concept art for the make-up effects, make-up and visual effect test footage, and deleted and extended scenes. Also included is text of George Langelaan's original story, Charles Edward Pogue's original screenplay and Cronenberg's rewrite, interactive articles from Cinefex and American Cinematographer magazine, original EPK material on both the film and the director, scads of still photo galleries, and a truckload of trailers and TV spots for both the film and others in The Fly series. (Fox)

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