If you were a tad perplexed by the closing scene of Ari Aster's Hereditary, you weren't alone. Now, A24 is paying tribute to its weirdest treehouse by making it into a gingerbread house kit for holiday consumption.
For just $62 USD, you can build and then munch upon the 13-inch-tall structure, as well as a few teensy gingerbread people worshipping Paimon inside. As per A24's listing, the kit includes a "cast iron mould plate, plastic treehouse base, recipe card, instruction booklet and a tealight to illuminate your treehouse at night."
You'll be baking all the gingerbread yourself using the cast iron base with moulds for "one complete treehouse, as well as a gingerbread Peter, Paimon and worshippers."
The whole 9.5-pound package will ship by December 16. Check out snaps of its contents below, and head to A24's website for more details.
If Hereditary isn't your thing, check out the listings for the bear from Midsommar, a Green Knight RPG, or the hot dog fingers as seen in Everything Everywhere All at Once.

For just $62 USD, you can build and then munch upon the 13-inch-tall structure, as well as a few teensy gingerbread people worshipping Paimon inside. As per A24's listing, the kit includes a "cast iron mould plate, plastic treehouse base, recipe card, instruction booklet and a tealight to illuminate your treehouse at night."
You'll be baking all the gingerbread yourself using the cast iron base with moulds for "one complete treehouse, as well as a gingerbread Peter, Paimon and worshippers."
The whole 9.5-pound package will ship by December 16. Check out snaps of its contents below, and head to A24's website for more details.
If Hereditary isn't your thing, check out the listings for the bear from Midsommar, a Green Knight RPG, or the hot dog fingers as seen in Everything Everywhere All at Once.