What the Hell Are Linkin Park Up To?!

Their countdown is over, and we're confused

Photo: Chiragddude

BY Alex HudsonPublished Aug 28, 2024

Linkin Park have been teasing something, as they launched a 100-hour countdown this week ahead of some sort of mysterious announcement. That countdown has now run out, and, well, frankly we're a bit confused.

At the conclusion of the 100-hour countdown, Linkin Park shared a video showing the final seconds counting down. The clock then glitches and begins counting back up from zero.

The caption simply reads, "It's only a matter of time…" There's also a link to the band's website — although the website doesn't feature any information either, and simply shows the clock counting back up. It displays the character "ø."

Are they trolling fans? Will something happen when the clock gets back up to 100 hours? Is Deryck Whibley involved, despite his insistence that he's not? (He delayed his own announcement after all.) And will Linkin Park be getting a new singer, as has been a persistent rumour?

Reddit is hard at work trying to decipher the clues, and some fans are claiming that LP are indicating a proper announcement on September 5 — but for now, Linkin Park's cryptic countdown decidedly remains a mystery.

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