Sc Mira

"On My Own"

BY Alex HudsonPublished Aug 27, 2014

Winnipeg's Sc Mira have an EP called Waiting Room Baby coming out on Pipe & Hat in 2015, and while that's still a ways off, they have shared the new single "On My Own."

The tune is a cloud-scraping folk rock number that's anchored by a brisk marching beat. This is a overlaid with twangy vocal quirks, acoustic strums, and piano tinkles that are delivered with a sense of chamber rock grandeur.

"The story behind 'On My Own' is a very personal one for lead singer and songwriter Sc," a press release explains. "She has spent years suffering from many injuries and countless surgeries from a young age due to cancer in the knee. Songwriting was instinctual on the tail end of many traumas. 'On My Own' is a true form of expressing her neverending sense of feeling trapped in your own body, that sense of strange in your own familiar surroundings. Dealing with the realms of watching your life from the outside instead of feeling like you're living it."

Scroll past Sc Mira's tour schedule to hear "On My Own" below and grab the single on iTunes here.

Tour dates:

10/10 Regina, SK - German Club *
10/11 Winnipeg, MB - The Cavern *
10/15 Windsor, ON - Phog Lounge *
10/16 Ottawa, ON - The Rainbow  *
10/17 Montreal, QC - L'Esco *
10/19 Quebec City, QC - TBA *
10/20 Moncton, NB - Plan B Lounge *
10/23 Kingston, ON - Clark Hall Pub
10/24 Ottawa, ON - Mercury Lounge
10/25 Toronto, ON - TBA
10/30 Milwaukee, WI - Glub Garibaldi
10/31 Green Bay, WI - TBA
11/01 Minneapolis, MN - Aster Cafe *

* with Indigo Joseph

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